An aspiring Software Engineer

My Projects

Explore a range of web development projects that I’ve tackled both in and out of the classroom. These projects highlight my journey of applying and expanding my web development skills, from creating interactive web applications to experimenting with various technologies and frameworks.

League of Lenses

An automated video clipper tailored for generating LoL YT shorts.

Fake Stack Overflow

Replicated the user experience of a popular Q&A platform.

Skincare App

An app that provides info on popular skincare products.


In progress...


Currently a junior majoring in Computer Science at Stony Brook University.

Relevant Coursework: Object-Oriented Programming, Data Structures, Fundamentals of Software Development, Analysis of Algorithms, Probability and Statistics, System Fundamentals I & II, Scripting Languages


Java, JavaScript, Python, HTML/CSS, React, Node, Express, Tailwind, MongoDB, Git
